Wildfrost All Achievement List & How To Complete Them


From stacking up massive amounts of damage to sacrificing allies in battle, there’s a wide range of accomplishments to strive for in this. Some achievements are straightforward, while others require a bit of strategy and planning. Whether you’re a seasoned Wildfrost player or just starting out, the achievements will provide a challenge and a sense of accomplishment as you progress through the game. And with my article, we want to bring to you all the achievements of the game.

Wildfrost All Achievement List

  • Toxic – One of the achievements in Wildfrost is to stack 20 Shroom cards on a single target. This can be achieved by using Fungun’s ability to tank hits and draw enemy attacks toward it. By strategically playing Shroom cards on the same target, players can stack them up to 20 and earn the achievement
  • Snowball Fight – Stack 15 Snow on a single target. Players can start by using Snowcake, which adds 12 Snow to the target. From there, players can use additional cards to stack up the remaining 3 Snow.
  • Icemaster – Players can increase their chances of success by utilizing hero cards that offer Block abilities. By playing these cards and focusing on a single target, players can stack up to 5 Block cards and earn the achievement.
  • Tough Nut – Stack 50 Shell on a single target
    A possible strategy is to stall out a Bolgo encounter intentionally to increase the chances of success. However, if enemies don’t count, players can turn to Kernel for his easily repeatable method of stacking Shell cards on a target.
  • Ritual – Shademancers decks can increase the likelihood of success, mainly if players utilize cards like Monch and Chikichi.
  • Sunbringer – In Wildfrost, defeating the Heart of the Storm is a significant challenge that is likely tied to the true final boss or true ending of the game.
  • Big Hitter – Dealing 50 damage in a single hit can be achieved in Wildfrost by combining the abilities of Monch or Yuki with Demonize. This powerful combination makes it relatively easy to deal a massive amount of damage to a single target.
  • Bigger Hitter – Deal 100 damage in a single hit. Players must carefully stack up their attack power, perhaps using cards like Snowcake or Fungun to boost their damage output. Combining this with Demonize can create a powerful and devastating attack that can deal massive damage to a single target.
  • Spare the Naked Gnome – To get the “Spare the Naked Gnome” achievement, you need to encounter the Naked Gnome on your first encounter. The Naked Gnome will always appear at the beginning of the battle. If you manage to defeat the boss without killing the gnome, you will unlock this achievement.
  • Long Live the King – To achieve the “Long Live the King” achievement, you must survive an attack from King Moko and win the battle. However, it’s unclear what constitutes “surviving”. It’s possible that you need to prevent any of your units from dying to King Moko’s attack or simply ensure that your hero does not perish.
  • Balloonist – To unlock the “Balloonist” achievement, you need to successfully complete a game on a Daily Voyage challenge
  • One Punch – To unlock the “One Punch” achievement, defeat the Frost Guardian using only a Scrappy Sword.
  • Undefeated – To unlock the Undefeated achievement, you need to achieve a 3-win streak.
  • Lone Survivor – To earn the Lone Survivor achievement, you must emerge victorious in a battle with only your Leader left standing. You can accomplish this by having all your companions faint during the fight and then winning with your Leader.
  • High Roller – You need to buy 3 charms from the shop, so save your money until you could buy all three at once.
  • Feed the Beast – To obtain the “Feed the Muncher a Consume item” achievement, you’ll need to acquire a Consume item. You should prioritize getting one as soon as possible and feed it to the muncher. If you fail to obtain one, you can restart the run and try again.

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