Dredge- Where Do We Find Goliath Tigerfish & Other Rare Fish

DredgeIn Dredge, the Travelling Merchant requires 4 rare fish in order to complete the Pursuit of “Recording Rarities“. One such fish would be a Goliath Tigerfish. The problem is that it is located in an isolated area that requires various other upgrades and tools to access it. In this guide, we have marked or notified the coordinate of all the rare fish i.e. needed to complete the following Pursuit “Recording Rarities” and all the necessary tools to catch it.

Where Do We Find All The Rare Fish For Recording Rarities In Dredge

According to the Travelling Merchant, “Goliath Tigerfish hunt in murky swampy waters, using the tree as cover.” To get the Goliath Tigerfish, you will need a Packed Explosive to blow off the rocks in order to access the areas in Twisted Strands at E12. Packed Explosives will be locked until you complete the Hermitage Pursuit at Gale Cliffs.

According to The Travelling Merchant, “Gulper Eels live at the deepest depths imaginable.” Gulper Eel can be found in the Stellar Basin at the F4 coordinate of the map. To catch one, you will require an upgrade that can catch the Abyssal-type fish.

According to The Travelling Merchant, “the Oarfish has a long and fragile body, they reside in deep calm water. Maybe the shelter of Gale Cliffs would suit them.” To catch the Oarfish, you will need to travel all the way to Gale Cliffs at the O3 coordinate by referring to the map. Enter the waterfall as there is a hidden cave inside it. This is an Abyssal Type fish, so you would require an upgrade in order to catch this fish.

According to The Travelling Merchant, “Coelacanths have a primordial feel to them.” You will need an explosive to break the rocks in Devil’s Spine at the Q12 coordinate by referring to the map. Coelacanths can be found in between a narrow passage of the cliffs.

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