Road 96 Mile 0 All Endings & How To Get Them

This time we are here with a guide on Road 96 Mile 0, an extraordinary adventure game that sets you in the position of a youngster attempting to flee a nation on the verge of dissolution. As you progress through the game, you will also uncover the political turmoil and unrest that is tearing Petria apart. You will set out on an action-packed adventure through Petria’s streets, highways, and small villages, encountering unforeseen obstacles, and making difficult choices. Your ultimate goal is to reach the border and cross it to freedom, but the road is long and winding, and the choices you make will determine your fate.

With multiple endings and branching storylines, every playthrough of Road 96 Mile 0 will be unique. In this article, we are going to discuss all the possible endings of Road 96 Mile 0, and basically, we have narrowed it down to 4 probable endings that you will face. Gamers here’s just a small guiding note for you, in the concluding scene where Joe and Kaito face each other, it doesn’t matter who wins, cause the main point is whether you choose the gun and become a brigade or you take the IDs and cross the border.

Road 96 Mile 0 All Endings

Ending 1: Zoe calls cops on Kaito / Kaito becomes a brigade / Kaito surrenders

At first, you play in the POV of Zoe, where you are hidden in the phone booth and you call on cops suspecting brigade activity, where you identify John and see Kaito and his family. Your POV changes to Kaito. You get the car keys from John and now you have to get the IDs from Robert. You have to get the IDs in exchange for a file from Robert. As John exits the scene you enter the shop and give the passcode which is “1986” to get into a secret passway inside and then you reach Robert. You accept the gun and choose to become a brigade. As the cutscene ends, you return to Zoe’s POV, where you get to the car and extract the files. Kaito returns to the car to get the files where he meets Zoe. After a heated conversation, they both come to a deadly fight where Kaito wins. Zoe leaves disheartened and by the time the police has arrived. Kaito attacks the police and they get involved in a shootout where he loses both his parents right in front of his eyes. Kaito surrenders and gets detained.

Ending 2: Zoe did not call the police / Kaito becomes a brigade / Family gets separated

Basically in their ending, everything remains the same till Kaito have decided to become a brigade and Zoe hadn’t reported to the police of brigade activity. Right, when Kaito comes out of the shop from Robert to get the file, he faces Zoe and the fight begins. But the catch this time is, Zoe beats Kaito and she leaves. While Robert and Kaito’s parents come out. Robert holds Kaito and his parents to the gunpoint where you will see a shot being fired yet he misfires and Kaito leaves his parents in pursuit of becoming a brigade and leaves them. He joins Robert and comes along in his car. In this ending, the family is separated and Kaito becomes a brigade, probably his parents got the IDs and maybe crossed the border without him.

Ending 3: Zoe calls the cops / Kaito decides to become a brigade / Kaito’s parents get arrested/ He escapes alone

This is kind of a lonely ending actually. Here Zoe called the cops on Kaito and Kaito chooses to accept Robert’s offer and the gun and become a brigade. While the same cut scenes happen where Robert and Kaito’s parents interact. Kaito comes to the car to the file for Robert and takes the IDs in exchange. Right where he finds Zoe. After a heated conversation, Kaito faces Zoe and he loses. Zoe leaves the place while Robert and his parents come out of the shop. Angry Robert takes Kaito’s parents and Kaito at gunpoint. Kaito hits a blow at Robert right when the police arrive. Robert evades the scene and Kaito’s mom hides him and his parents surrender themselves to the police.

Ending 4: Zoe did not call the police / Kaito did not become a brigade / Family drives toward freedom

This ending is perhaps the happy one, it’s right what the objective was and you drive your way to freedom. Everything perhaps remains the same but your selections shall be: Not calling the police on Kaito; Kaito not accepting the gun and eventually denying being a brigade; Kaito meeting Zoe and Robert letting Kaito and his family go free and unharmed. They take the car and take the long way towards the border perhaps and might be it the happy ending of Road 96 Mile 0.

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