Smalland Survive The Wilds All The Creatures You Can Tame

Smalland Survive The Wilds

Smalland Survive The Wilds is a survival game developed by Merge Games. In this game, players find themselves shrunk down to a tiny size and must navigate a dangerous world filled with insects, animals, and other obstacles. Players must scavenge for resources, build shelters, and craft tools to survive.

To effortlessly traverse diverse landscapes, players may consider taming various creatures, which not only facilitate exploration but also provide protection against other creatures.

Smalland Survive The Wilds How To Tame Creature

Taming creatures can be very helpful in this game especially to explore new areas as well as fight other enemies. You can tame one creature at a time in this game. You need to release that creature to wild to be able to tame a new creature.

To tame creatures in this game, all you need to do is damage them so their health drops below 50% and feed them their favorite food. That’s it, now you will be able to ride the tamed creature and explore the surrounding areas more efficiently.

Smalland Survive The Wilds All Creatures You Can Tame

As the game is in early access, you will be able to tame 5 creatures which are:

  • Grasshopper
  • Lady Bug
  • Wolf Spider
  • Gecko
  • Damselfly

The favorite food of the Grasshopper is the Grasshopper Treat which can be cooked using Insect Egg, Petal, and Seed Oil.

To tame a ladybug, you will have to craft a ladybug travel kit that also consists of a special treat to tame the ladybug as well as give you 20 storage space. The resources required to craft a Ladybug travel kit are Edible Mushroom, Nectar, and Fiber.

The favorite food of the Gecko is the Gecko treat whose recipe can be obtained by defeating the Rhino Beetle boss. The resources required to make this food are Ant Head, Bee Head, Petal, and Seed Oil.

The favorite food of the Wolf Spider is the Wolf Spider Treat which can be obtained by defeating one of the bosses Albino Spider. To find the location of this boss, you need to find the NPC called Lisandra. She will give you the quest to defeat the Albino spider. After defeating the spider, bring back the dropped item to her and she will give you the recipe for Wolf Spider’s favorite food. The resources required to cook Wolf Spider Treat are Grasshopper Leg, Spider Eye, Insect Wings, Petals, and Seed Oil.

The favorite food of the Damsenfly is the Damsenfly Treat whose recipe can be obtained by defeating King Stag Beetle. To find this boss location, you need to interact with The Elder NPC back at your home. After defeating the Stag Beetle bring back the dropped item to the Elder and he will give you the recipe for Damsenfly Treat. The resources required to cook Damsenfly treat in the oven are Firefly Juice, Petal, and Seed Oil

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