Ghost Of Our Love Floating Candle Location In Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, there are a plethora of things to explore, solve and collect. While completing the main mission, sometimes you will also find a treasure map. From this map, you need to find the location and use your spell to complete the quest and find the treasure. One of the sides quests you will obtain early game is “Ghost Of Our Love”. Below you will find the location shown on the treasure map and complete the quest.

Hogwarts Legacy Ghost Of Our Love Floating Candle Location

The complete this side quest, you need to teleport to the entrance of the forbidden forest of Foo flames as shown in the image above. There you need to look back and find a stone bridge on the right where you will find a letter from Richard to Apollonia.

You need to cast your Lumos spell to find the invisible floating candle. If you are not able to find the candles even after casting Lumos as shown in the image above, you need to skip the time from day to night. To skip time you need to open your map and press F on the keyboard or R3/RS on the controller.

You can see the floating candles only during the night, after using Lumos follow the candle to reach the candlelight dinner area and find the treasure to complete the quest.

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