Hogwarts Legacy Eyeball Treasure, Black Painting & Blue Statue

Hogwarts Legacy

Now after moving into your common rooms in Hogwarts Legacy and exploring the Hogwarts castle, you might come across a lot of puzzles and treasure boxes while using Revelio. The treasure boxes are highlighted in yellow color while the puzzle or collectibles are highlighted in blue color.

To solve these puzzles you will require a specific spell. Check out our all-spells list and how to unlock them. A few puzzles you will encounter in Hogwarts castle are the Eyeball treasure, painting puzzle, and statue puzzle. Below you will find the solution to each puzzle and which spell is required to solve them.

Hogwarts Legacy How To Open Eyeball Treasure

To open the eyeball treasure the spell you first need to unlock is “Disillusionment”. By casting this spell your character will turn invisible and then you can sneak toward the treasure so that the eye cannot see you. Then open the eyeball treasure to collect the items. You can unlock this spell simply by playing the game and completing the main story. To know exactly which quest you need to obtain this spell, you can check out our previous guide HERE.

Hogwarts Legacy Discover Painting Secret

While exploring the castle you will come across a character called Lenora from Gryffindor. She will ask you to find the painting’s secret. To discover the secret, you need to cast Lumos near the black painting to reveal the picture.

Now find the location revealed in the picture and cast Lumos there again. A moth will come and stick to the wand that you need to take and place it in the picture again to complete the puzzle.

Hogwarts Legacy Blue Statue Puzzle Guide

While casting Revelio inside Hogwarts castle, you will come across some statues that will glow in blue color. To solve the blue statue puzzle you need to cast Levioso on them to lift the sphere on their hand and obtain the field guide.

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