Overwatch 2- How To Complete Knock, Knock Event Challenge

Overwatch 2In Overwatch 2, we are nearing the end of October month and we know it’s time for the Halloween Event. This season, we are introduced to another version of Junkerstein’s Revenge, i.e. Wraith Of The Bride. If we hover and click on the Challenge and Event section, there are a bunch of achievements that can be accomplished which will reward you with Battle Points EXP, Voice Lines, Weapon Charm, Name Card, and a few Sprays. In this guide, we have explained how to complete the Knock Knock Event challenge and disturb the guest in the Tavern.

How To Complete Knock, Knock Event Challenge At Overwatch 2

Once you are reunited in the base or Tavern, you will have to enter and check the Radio to progress. Inside the same chamber when you go up the stairs after or before listening to the radio, you will notice that, unlike normal or competitive mode, the left side of the door is closed. Approach the door and you will notice a notification to Knock will appear.

Press “F” 4 times in order to Knock and complete the Knock, Knock… challenge to obtain the Kiriko Voice line as a Reward “Scry Some More” which we all support players who want to flex and use in-game. There are more challenges and as the time is limited to earn a few extra Battle Points XP and other rewards to completely cash out. We will cover all the Event challenges and explain what you need to do to complete the challenges.

Photozomb Event Challenge

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