Splatoon 3- Best Starting Weapon For Beginners Guide

Splatoon 3In Splatoon 3 there are various weapons and as you are new to the game it is tough to select what you need. The thing is you don’t have any current playstyle and learning all the basics. There are some recommended weapons that you will have access to it from the beginning and even in the late game, it is not so bad. Once you learn the game mechanics, you can select or experiment with guns and change your playstyle according to them. In this guide, we have explained what weapons you can choose and be useful for all newcomers.

Best Starting Weapon For Beginners Guide At Splatoon 3

The early weapon you can unlock would be Splattershot. It has decent range and a fire shot. Even if you are new, you can focus your aim and are even able to use dodge mechanics or movements while using this weapon as you will have enough reaction time for it. Considering your sub weapon and specials, it is easy to master and use.

Instead of focusing on painting or repainting your turf, you will have to play aggressively and eliminate opponents in order to paint and push your team together. Capturing the turf is more opponent.

Splatlings are one of the long-ranged weapons which you can use to play passively and secure your turf choke point. Always position yourself on high ground in order to cover more area. It is recommended who prefers to play as a sniper of the team. Charge shots are tricky but once it is mastered, you can provide the best support to your frontlines. It is one of the most difficult guns to master, however, it is still recommended to players who have knowledge of the maps. You can be the best or worst backline player depending on your strategy and map awareness.

Speaking of close range, we will not recommend new players to Dualies or Brushes even Rollers as this requires mastering movements. Dodging various attacks and countering them requires skill. However, the wide range of weapon varieties allows players to experiment with them according to their playstyle and position. So, it is recommended to level up fast and unlock more weapons and gain experience and knowledge after fighting multiple opponents.

For more informative guides on Splatton 3, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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