Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator How To Get Best Pet & Evolve Them

Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator

Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator is a running simulator game where you need to level up by collecting diamonds and coins to obtain new skins. The game is developed on the Roblox platform by A_TEAM_. As you keep leveling up collecting the orbs your character will level up and increase its speed. After reaching a higher level you will be able to race with other players to become the fastest player in the Sonic speed simulator world.

Pets in this game give you benefits such as extra XP and coins for each diamond or coin you pick up. So the more pets you have in this game, the quicker your character will level up.

Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator How To Get the Best Pet

To obtain a pet first you need to find a vending machine on the top of the spiral hoop. There you can obtain a pet by spending 1200 coins. There are various types colors of vending machines where you can find other items also.

In a different world, the cost to buy one pet from the vending machine differs. So to obtain the best pet you need to visit world 1 and go straight from the spawn point and take a left till UGC. Go behind the UGC and keep going straight where you will find a waterfall on your left. In front of the waterfall, you will find a mushroom with which you can jump higher.

Use the jumping pod and jump onto the cliff to find the purple vending machine. There you will find Jewel Green Chao for 2500 coins. You need 5x of these pets to evolve them.

Roblox Sonic Speed Simulator How To Evolve Pet

The level 1 pet will provide you quite less bonus XP and coins but as you evolve or level up them, the benefits keep on increasing. To evolve your pet, you need to have the same type of multiple pets. For example, to upgrade the green jewel Chao, you need to have 5x of it. Then open the pet menu and evolve them to increase your benefits. To level up your pet you just need to keep running and collect all the collectibles.

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