Dying Light 2- How To Get Left Finger Gun of Glova

Dying LightIn Dying Light 2, we have been searching for the guns as the ranged weapons from the beginning or hoped that there should have been one. After learning we don’t have guns similar to the previous game Dying Light, it was a bit of a shock however, the devs have a little surprise for us. We have a gun which is also known as Finger Gun or Left Finger Of Glova which will be obtained after you unlock a door and sit on the campsite. In this guide, we have presented every detail on how you reach the location and unlock the door to collect the Left Finger Of Glova Blueprint.

How To Get Left Finger Gun of Glova In Dying Light 2

Dying Light 2Standing on the skyscraper of VNC Tower as shown in the image above in Garrison near the metro, you will have to descend down with the help of the Parachute on another skyscraper i.e. where the Military Airdrop THB-UTO is located. On top of the roof where the Antenna is visible high from the present skyscraper as shown in the image will be an electric station whose cables need to be plugged in to power up the door.

The first cable needs to be plugged in below two-floor from the roof. After falling down from the wooden platform placed on the roof floor onto the first floor where the windows are broken, repeat the same process, and onto the second floor to plug in the cable. Remaining cable at 41m.

On that same floor, another electric station will be placed on the opposite side, pick up the cable, and descend down two floors in the same manner from that side to connect the cable. Remaining cable at 11m.

The final electric station will be placed on the opposite side as well. Pick up the cable and descend down two balconies in total with the help of a grappling hook. On the second balcony floor, you will be able to connect the cable and power up the door. Remaining cable at 16m.

Left Finger Of Glova Blueprint

After activating the door, enter the room wherein the end you can sit by the campfire on the mattress. Wait till 9 Teddy bears spawn and 11 shocks are triggered. 10th shock is the one in the Techland poster and the final shock will give you the blueprint.

To craft a Finger Gun, you will need a ridiculous amount of scraps i.e. 369. Once you craft the gun, you can equip it with the Accessories where Throwing Knife Or Molotov are listed to be used. The invisible bullet deals damage and knockdowns the infected back. So far the only gun that we have in Dying Light 2 and a nice twist to the weapon.

Few of us are already aware maybe about the Left Hand of the dev in Dead Island 1. Next, we had the Right Hand of the dev in Dying Light 1, now we have the Left Finger Of Glova named after the gameplay designer i.e. Bartosz “Glova” Kulon. The weapons from the devs of Techland Games. In the same apartment, we have Korek Charm.

For more informative guides on Dying Light 2, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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