Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl- How To Customize Character

pokemon shining pearl and brilliant diamondIn Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl following the original game, the layouts have remained the same. Instead of going all the way in your journey or adventure with the same type of clothing, you will be able to change your wardrobe and add new costumes. As there are no new changes in each map regarding Town Layout and buildings, it is unlikely that new features would be added. Nevertheless, the styles of costumes are predetermined and more styles will unlock as you keep on progressing the main story. In this guide, we have explained everything you need to know and learn how to customize your character.

How To Change Clothes In Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl

As the new Pokemon game was introduced, there were newly added features such as customizing your character’s skin tone or face, hairstyles, etc. In this version sadly we don’t have such diversity while customizing your character. Although no hope is lost, as we can use our hard-earned money to change or purchase new Styles from the Metronome Style Shop located in Veilstone City.

The style includes clothing from head to toe in a set instead of different individual costumes. Funky styles cost more but it gives a sigh of relief and a sense of achievement while completing the game with a character who looks pretty cool. Even showing friends how your Character looks while flaunting your caught Pokemon and registered Pokedex. Focusing on catching new and powerful Pokemon is a must to become a successful trainer, whereas not adapting to the current generation styles is unacceptable.

For more guides on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, click on the link as mentioned below the following description:

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