Far Cry 6- Seeds of Love Lorenzo’s Children Location

Far Cry 6In Far Cry 6, Lorenzo provides pictures where their children are supposed to be present or residing currently in order to give them the apology letter. However, as we know the map is currently huge, and even if we find one or two of these images or landmarks, finding all of Lorenzo’s children is a great deal of work. Therefore, we have compiled this post especially for this purpose and mentioned all their location to where the pictures lead us.

Seeds of Love Lorenzo’s Children Location In Far Cry 6

“The Seeds Of Love” Yaran Story begins at Mount Guami located in Sierra Perdida, Promise Peaks. The first child of Lorenzo’s can be found at Todos Santos Cemetery marked in Sierra Perdida, Lapdia Mogote. You will hear Felipe Lorenzo’s voice in the cemetery. It will lead you to its small camp where the apology letter needs to be delivered.

The second child of Lorenzo’s can be found at Santo Domingo located in Sierra Perdida, Robustas Hills near to “Caffeine Crash Course” Gran Premio Race. Just near the crossroad, the poster same as to the photo can be found. Climb up to the roof of the house that’s painted pink. From there scope on the window to shoot on the lock i.e. shutting the door shut. Go to that room and deliver the apology letter to Tiago Lorenzo’s.

The third child of Lorenzo’s can be found at Oceguera Farm located in Sierra Perdida, Savannah Fields. Following the picture, you will find the painted wall and opposite to it there will be a flower that can be interacted with. While hallucinating follow Riel Lorenzo’s with the help of her voice. Ultimately, talk to her and get ready to meet his fourth child.

In Perdomo Farm located in Sierra Perdida, Savannah Fields you will meet Juan Lorenzo’s locked inside a hut where a lady sits outside selling straw hats. Pick up the key placed on the table outside one of the huts and unlock the door to deliver Canseco Lorenzo’s apology letter.

The fifth child of Lorenzo’s i.e. Camilo Lorenzo’s the artist hidden in his home as shown in the picture. He can be found in Barriga Town located in Sierra Perdida, Nueva Vida. Walk towards a house where chest is placed and soldiers swarming outside of a house. Eliminate all soldiers and deliver the apology letter.

The sixth child of Lorenzo’s i.e. Maricela Lorenzo’s can be found in Flores Farm at Conuco, Isable Steppes. Beside the river, her house can be found, and follow Maricel’s dog who will ultimately lead us to her spot. Give her the envelope and enjoy the dramatic event for a while.

The final child of Lorenzo’s can be found in Conuco, Concepcion. The picture is hard to miss i.e. drawn on the building. Follow the heart drawing or the graffiti which is all over the town. Ultimately, you will find Xiomara Lorenozo’s i.e. opposite to the road from the dock where we have unlocked the Criptograma Chest.

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