New World- Overseer Zane Spawn Time To Earn Bounty

New WorldIn New World, one had to wait for so long in a queue to enter the server and play with your character. Apart from that the resources spawn after a long time as it is gathered or stolen by other players who are grinding hard. In this Bounty quest, we need to defeat Overseer Zane who spawns at Ebonrock Cavern as marked on your map. The problem is it will always be crowded no matter when you visit or make up your mind to complete. The Bounty boss is not difficult rather the completion of the quest is difficult and here we have compiled all the data that might be helpful as it is one of the unbalanced quests in the game.

Overseer Zane Spawn Time To Earn Bounty In New World

Only worthy or lucky enough can complete this mission easily. The spawn time for the boss is about 10-15 min which is very long as per the demand and it might extend to 20 mins which makes it undoable. At the cave, you will find multiple players trying to squeeze in at the corner and body blocking other players. The boss will spawn and be completely decimated in literally seconds. He will never know who hit him and if you are lucky enough and got some nice blows on Overseer Zane Defiled, the quest will be completed.

Few of my friends were lucky enough to hop in after the maintenance and complete the mission without me. They had no such struggles and laughed it off but it is one of the most broken quests which might be doable when the respawn time will be lowered to 5-10 mins. So, according to the huge player base, everyone might get a chance to complete the bounty, or perhaps it was designed deliberately to make it hard.

However, if you are up for more informative guides on New World, click on the link that has been mentioned below the description:

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