The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles- All Characters Involved In Trial

The Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesThe Great Ace Attorney Chronicles is the most brain-teasing and challenging game i.e. story riched with quite a twist of plots involved at every second. Each character that is involved plays a small too big role in each case and trial. Therefore, in this post, we have compiled all the Characters that are involved in the Trial and recorded them at Court Record.

All Characters Involved In Trial At The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles

Chapter 1: The Adventure Of The Great Departure

The Characters that are involved in this chapter are as follows:

The Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesKazuma Asogi (23): A second year at the Imperial Yumei University. He’s my best friend and, despite being a student, a qualified defence lawyer as well.



CharacterYujin Mikotoba (42): A medical school professor at the Imperial Yumei University. He’s an authority in forensic medicine and Kazuma’s mentor.



The Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesTaketsuchi Auchi (51): The lead prosecutor of this case, who would appear to have little love for the changes the cultural reformation has brought about.



CharacterJohn H. Wilson (47): The victim of this case. He was a visiting professor of medicine at Yumei University from the British Empire.



CharacterSatoru Hosonaga (29): The head waiter of the European-style restaurant ‘La Carneval’. He was serving there on the day of the incident.



CharacterIyesa Nosa (38): An army sergeant of the Empire of Japan who witnessed the incident.



CharacterKyurio Korekuta (67): The owner of ‘Rasu-tei’, who was hunting for a lost Hoei-era gold koban coin at the time of the incident.



The Great Ace Attorney ChroniclesJezaille Brett (24): A British exchange student who was studying under the victim at Yumei University’s medical school.



CharacterSusato Mikotoba (16): The judicial assistant of Defence Lawyer Kazuma Asogi.



Chapter 2: The Adventure Of The Unbreakable Speckled Band (Work in progress)

Chapter 3: The Adventure Of The Runaway Room (Work in progress)

Chapter 4: The Adventure Of The Clouded Kokoro (Work in progress)

Chapter 5: The Adventure Of The Unspeakable Story (Work in progress)


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