Dead By Daylight- Gnome Chompski Garden Charm Challenge Condition

Dead By Daylight

Dead By Daylight brings you yet another challenge in the form of an event where you will obtain Gnome Chompski Charm if you satisfy the condition as a Killer or a Survivor. Gnome Chompski charm can be obtained if you have found the Gnome Chompski Garden Charm on any map. They spawn on all the maps so it is not limited but they have a condition for spawning i.e. endgame collapse.

Gnome Chompski Garden Charm Challenge Condition At Dead By Daylight

Once the game begins, you will need to repair all the gens in order to open the Exit gate, however, we stall time for all the survivors to reach exit gates or wait for another exit gate to be opened if the Killer is not at your view. Gnome Chompski Garden Charm spawns when the exit gates are opened and endgame collapse has been started.

There is a small-time window in order to search for it as a survivor as you will need to find and stomp it up and escape to unlock your new charm for both Survivors as well as for Killer. Similarly, you can stomp it when playing as a Killer. It is recommended to play as a Killer as you have all the time to search for it and can open the exit gates when all the gens have been repaired. Even you don’t have to stress out as a Killer as once you stomp, it will be unlocked.

For Survivors, you will have to stomp and escape whereas for Killers they can simply stomp it and get over with. During this event, many Killers tend to help Survivors find the Gnome, so if you find that the Terror Radius is fixed at a specific part of the map, feel free to approach unless the Killers are trolling. Gnome Chompski spawns randomly as Totems spawn, so it is better to play as Killer and acquire the Charm.

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