Spiritfarer Gustav, Stanley, Giovanni, Bruce & Mickey Spirit Location


Spiritfarer is an indie adventure game developed by Thunder Lotus Games. There is a total of 11 spirits you will come across in this game who will board your ship. You need to complete few requests of these spirits before you can send them off through the Everdoor. Below is the location of 4 such spirits you will come across in the mid-game.

Spiritfarer Where To Find Gustav?

You will find Gustav in Furogawa Island (X= -149, Y= 67), he will be standing in front of a house and will request you to fetch an item from Susan’s Museum (X= -150, Y= 150). Collect all the rewards and items from Susan and go back to Gustav and he will join your crew

Spiritfarer Where To Find Stanley?

To find Stanley, you need to do fishing and get the Mysterious seed with the Mushroom logo. Plant the seed in the field and play a song to make it grow faster. Pull up the mushroom and Stanley will come out.
Note: I got Stanley after upgrading our boat to the 4th level which can crush the rock barrier.

Spiritfarer Where To Find Giovanni?

After a lot of searching and talking to Olga, you will finally meet with Masha the other turtle. She will tell you to visit Loneberg (X= -40 Y= 192) and there you will find Giovanni. Don’t directly visit to Loneberg, you need to keep complete Astrid request to get Giovanni.

Where To Find Obol To Unlock Bounce Ability?

Note: Giovanni won’t directly give you Obol, you need to complete a few requests of his till you reach Ambertown Park. After that, he will give you Obol which you can take to Oxburg Island and get the bounce ability.

Spiritfarer Where To Find Bruce & Mickey?

Bruce and Mickey will be there in Southpoint docks (X= 157, Y= 22) which will only be accessible once you upgrade your ship to break the rock barrier. He will ask you to complete a certain request which will be an easy one. After that, he will board your ship and you will unlock the pulsar ray event from which you will get pulsar ore.

You will also find a lot of minerals in Southpoint docks which can only be accessible once you unlock the bounce ability.

Aluminum, Zinc Ore, Pulsar Ore, And Marble Guide

How To Get Linen Fabric & Oak Plank

How To Get Spirit Flower & Upgrade Ice Breaker

Summer Fakinhage Request & Ash Wood/ Log / Plank Location

All Food Recipes & Spirit Favorite Food

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