Cloudpunk Choose William Fate “Access Lockdown” Or “Pull Plug”?


In Cloudpunk you might get multiple requests from the same NPC during your delivery job. Some
of these requests have choices that you have to make.

Depending on these choices you will get the rewards. While doing your job and delivering parcels,
you will get a call from William. If you remember correctly, at the beginning of the game you deliver
a parcel with William conscious.

His head had been replaced with a cleaning bot the first time you had met him. But after that many accidents occur and all of William seniors will be dead. We don’t know yet if William caused all that but you need to make a choice to “Access the lockdown switch” or “Pull the plug on William”.

Cloudpunk Which Choice To Make?

During the time, I received the job from William, I had to upgrade my HOVA and buy furniture and items for my apartment. William said I will receive a lot of money, the same as the fees of Cloudpunk if the job is completed successfully.

So even if William’s story seems little fishy about all his senior officials dying in the uncertain manner which made William rose ranks pretty quickly. I decided not to pull the plug on William and also help those citizens who are trapped inside the building.

William won’t have any idea that Raina and Camus have located another plug that would shut him down. After pulling the lockdown switch, William will say the job is done and will pay you 2000 lims which is quite a lot to upgrade your apartment.

After choosing any one of the choices your achievement will unlock in steam called “William’s Fate”. So although you now know what will happen with this choice, you can try the other option.

Still we have a lot of different ways to farm and collect money faster in this game. You can check out our previous guide below on how to sell items to merchants and earn quick lims.

How To Sell Item & Make Money Faster

Deliver the package to Metro Hub Or Trash into Chute?

Holocash Use & Code