How To Move Tent, Save Game, Basic Tips In Animal crossing new horizon

Animal Crossing New Horizon

Animal Crossing New Horizon is the latest game developed by Nintendo and produced by Hisashi Nogami. The game is quite chill with soothing music with small quests.

Players get to build their own island while crafting various items. But before starting the game, you need to check out some basic tips to help you out early game.

How To Fish?

In this post of Animal Crossing New Horizon, I will talk about what you should choose to bring to a deserted island, how to save this game, some basic tips and can you move your tent?

Important Tips: Hold Down B Button To Run

Do not hit the rocks with the axe after eating fruit. Use Shove which you will get on Day 2.

If you could Bring One thing To Deserted Island

At the starting of the game Timmy asks the players what is the one thing they could bring to the deserted island? Well lots of players have been wondering including me does this have any effect on the starting of game.

There will be four answers in front of you which are:

  • Sleeping Bag
  • Lamp
  • Some Food
  • Something To Kill Time

Well after answering the question Timmy himself tells you that its a hypothetical question and it didn’t mean anything. I selected something to kill time and got a Nintendo switch in my mail from Nintendo inside the game.

I can place the switch inside my tent on the floor or on the top of the cardboard.

Animal Crossing New Horizon Northern Or Southern Hemisphere?

At the starting of the game, you will have an option to choose your island hemisphere. Well to simplify it to you, the game weather has an impact on the location of your device.

So in the northern hemisphere, you will have winter in December and summer in July and vice- versa in the Southern hemisphere. As most people belong to the northern hemisphere, you should choose the same as long as you don’t belong to the south.

But the game doesn’t force you to choose the hemisphere according to your location and you are free to choose anyone from both.

Animal Crossing New Horizon How To Move Tent?

Unfortunately, you can’t move tent at the starting of the game, but after upgrading the resident service center you can move it in exchange for 30,000 bells which is a lot.

I recommend you delete your saved game and start a new one if you have placed your tent in an unwanted position and you are on Day 1.

Animal Crossing New Horizon How To Reset Game?

To reset the game, go to the Nintendo home Settings. There select data management and at the bottom select “Delete Save Data”.

After that select the game and clear the data. Make sure you really want to erase all the data and after that you will have to start the game from the beginning.

You also have to choose your island name, hemisphere and complete all Nook beginner’s tasks.

Animal Crossing New Horizon How To Save Game?

Press the “-” button on your Nintendo Switch to save the game.