Nioh 2- Lantern Plant Fruit Of Any Use And How To Obtain?

Nioh 2

In Nioh 2, as we know maintaining stamina is much of an importance as well as of a difficult task. All the Sidestepping or dodging, blocking and attacking consumes up your Stamina gauge. Balancing these takes so much effort, so repeatedly the game hints us to use Burst Counter all the time against the corrupted mini-boss or main boss. Well, Lantern Plant Fruit plays a small or important role which depends upon what you prefer during combat. In this guide, we have mentioned everything you might need to know about Lantern Plant Fruit and where you can obtain it.

Lantern Plant Fruit In Nioh 2

First lantern Plant Fruit is obtained in the first stage when you talk against a human who hid behind its door and shivering with fear. After constant conversation against him, he will provide you Lantern Plant Fruit to get rid of you. The description says that it increases Anima. The Anima bar is the third purple bar which gradually gets consumed after the usage of Burst Counter. If you focus on countering or dodging attacks with the help of Burst Counter during combat then Lantern Plant Fruit might come handy.

Though at first Lantern Plant Fruit might seem like a rare resource but it drops a lot at a later stage randomly from the normal yokai or humans. Select a shortcut key for Lantern Plant Fruit as this is the item worth keeping for easier access and to be used during combat. As you might have figured out that sidestepping in combat is very important or basic combat rule. Burst Counter allows you to counter any enemies unblockable attack. Still, if you are fond of using Burst Counter most of the time to counter or dodge attacks, then keep Lantern Plant Fruit and use it before any boss combat to fill up the Anima bar. For more guides on Nioh 2, click on the following links that have been mentioned in the description below: