Borderlands 3- Best Way To Farm Legendary Loots And Gain XP

Borderlands 3

In Borderlands 3, one of the bigger challenges you might face once you have advanced and are progressing through the Main Chapters of the story is to level up and farm legendary loots to earn money ASAP. You even need to unlock new abilities that will be useful against the future campaign and the best way to farm XP and loots would be related to one of the bosses whose drop rate is pretty efficient and the boss can easily be decimated.

How To Earn XP And Legendary Loots In Borderlands 3

Even among the best, you will need to access Mayhem Mode that provides you better and faster loots. The Mayhem course of difficulty determines the type and rarity of loots which you can gain after completion. Although the modifiers might provide you a small challenge it can also be overcome easily after equipping the best elements/weapons for the fight. The monster suited for the farming purpose would be Graveward Vault in Mayhem 3.

If you are wondering where to find the Graveward, then Fast Travel to the Floating Tomb on Eden-6 where you will encounter and defeat in the process to either sell all those duplicates and legendary loots in the vending machines. Even though the Legendary loot drop rate has been dropped down by Gearbox, but it will provide no harm to us who intend to farm for money.

Apart from the style which we have mentioned, there are numerous ways to earn loots and XP through Legendary Hunt. This might be the best boss to tackle as it reveals its existence in the story not too far. If you are intending on obtaining specific loots then it would be better to eliminate the bosses in Borderlands 3 who have a chance to drop it rather than a farm in Graveward as it is to gain XP and money for an early boost. We would be updating more interesting facts and tips in the near future, so keep it in check. For more posts, click on the following link that has been mentioned below  the description:

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