The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening – How to Obtain Bow And Bomb

The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening deals with the classic Bow and Bomb of Link in the game. These items are placed in the game which requires you to unlock and acquire it for your personal use. You can also miss these precious items while advancing forward but these items make the progress of your game much steady and easy. In this guide, we have mentioned the process of obtaining both Bow and Bombs.

How To Obtain Bow In The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

To obtain the bow, it will first require you to complete numerous dungeons in order to let it out on sale in the Tool shop situated at Mabe Village. The cost of Link’s Bow would be 980 Rupees which is an astonishing amount but the benefit and use of the bow are far enough great than it’s the initial cost.

As the item is only available after you have cleared a number of dungeons before they pop out for sale. In order to track, you can clear the dungeons and check whether it is available in the shop or not. Once you have cleared all the dungeons and dangerous territories, you should have accumulated enough money in order to purchase the Bow or you can always resort into shoplifting and sneak past the shopkeeper without letting him notice you.

Once you are caught in action, you will be tagged as a Thief and the next time you visit the same shop, the bolt of lightning will be waiting for you as a gift. So even if you resort and risk it to become a Thief, you will need to complete all your shopping from that shop and never return back unless you want to one-shot yourself.

How To Obtain Bombs In The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

The bomb is by far the most useful tool or weapon in the game as you can blow up the fake walls to reveal the secret. In order to find the Bomb, you will need to visit the tool shop in Mabe Village where 10 Bomb is sold for 10 Rupees. Even you can fight enemies and they drop bombs or while exploring the dungeons the bombs can be found if you are lucky. The chances of obtaining these Bomb is considerably less, so it’s better to purchase it from the shop.

Check out The Legend Of Zelda Link’s Awakening How To Get Bottle Grotto Nightmare Key

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