Gears 5 is a third-person shooter game developed by The Coalition which is a sequel to gears of war 4. The game starts from where it has left in the series of gears of war 4 but don’t you worry even if your memory is not that strong, it will show a recap of what happened previously.
The game features various kind of standard weapons for players to use. But they also have some special relic weapons providing special buffs making it quite unique. But these relic weapons can’t be upgraded but still deals massive damage to enemies.
In this post of Gears 5, I will show you the locations of all the relic weapons available in the game for you to be unlocked.
Boomshot Relic
Once you reach Act 2, head for the North Tower Substation in the Valley. You will find two generators to the right side of the substation. Check between those generators to find the Boomshot Relic.
Dropshot Relic
In Act 2 Chapter 4, keep going straight from the old cog wall, then take a right and keep going straight till you find the red gear sign in the snow rock. You will find the drop shot relic behind those rocks.
Enforcer Relic
You can find this relic in the Act 2 Chapter 2, Before opening the north passage and after passing between two cliffs at the left side, you can find the red gear sign craved in the rock. You will find the Enforcer Relic laying below the sign.
Boltok Relic
In Act 2 Chapter 4, during the free roam, go to the entrance of the north tower substation and just outside the station in a rock, you will notice a red gear sign near that you will find the pistol.
Longshot Relic
During the free roam in Act 2 Chapter 4, you will come across a wooden shack with a red gear sign craved on the wood outside the shack. You can find your Longshot Relic there inside the shack.
Torque Bow Relic
In Act 2, when you head to the Abandoned Mine in the South of the Valley, you will come across two paths. Follow the dirt path heading up and you will find the Torque Bow Relic next to a wooden support.
Note: Bookmark this page, as we will keep updating more Relic weapons.
How To Unlock Relic Hunter Achievement?
To unlock the Relic Hunter Achievement, you need to alteast find 3 relic weapons and equip them at once. To equip all three relic weapons at once, you need to find the relic pistol and two relic rifles. So make sure to at least find the Boltok Pistol to equip all three relic weapons at once to unlock “Relic Hunter Achievement”.