Dauntless will be the latest game from Publisher Epic Games and Developer Phoenix. it will be free to play action role-playing game where players need to craft new weapons, armors, and other gears to kill Behemoths.
To make your character more powerful you will need to use different skill abilities and other upgrades. so below you will find a guide on how to unlock and get weapon mods.
How To Unlock All Weapon Mods
To make your character more powerful you will need to use different skill abilities and other upgrades. so below you will find a guide on how to unlock and get weapon mods.
To unlock weapon mods in the game you will need to increase the Weapon Mastery level of a weapon type to level 6, 10, and 16. this will unlock the three weapon mods for that weapon type.
For example, leveling Weapon Mastery of Sword and crossing level 6, 10, and 16 will unlock all the three mods for Sword.
Every weapon type has 20 levels and all of them have three unlockable mods except Ostian Repeaters which has six unlockable mods. three of them by reaching leveling 16 and the rest three of them through quests in Dauntless.
How To Gain Level For Weapon
To gain levels you will need to complete certain required tasks. to find the tasks just go to the Mastery tab present in the main menu. there you will find the tasks required for different weapons.
How To Equip Weapon Mods
To Equip weapon mods you will need to go to the Loadout tab present in the menu. then you will need to select the weapon from the left section of the screen.
The first slot of modification is for Skills and the second slot of modification is for weapon mods. you can now choose the weapon mods you want to use and equip it.
List Of All Weapon Mods In Dauntless
Axe Weapon Mods
- Volatile Axecore – charging your attacks will deal AOE damage to all nearby enemies.
- Lightweight Haft – while doing charging horizontal attacks the movement speed increases instead of decreasing and cost 50% less stamina.
- Overcharged Cylinder – determination will stack up to 4 times.
Chain Blades Weapon Mods
- Lightweight Chain – dashing towards Behemoth reduces the cost of the dash by 50%
- Hurricane Blades – using the blade spin gives stack on next hit and it is consumed when you use other attacks.
- Serrated Blades – blade attacks have the chance to deal critical strike on next swinging blades.
Hammer Weapon Mods
- Weighted Crown – stagger damage can now be dealt to all Behemoth parts and the damage is not halved when attacking Behemoth legs.
- Impulse Crown – aerial strike increases damage for 10 seconds. it also doubles the damage if Behemoth’s head is struck.
- Extended Clip – Increases Ammo by 6.
Ostian Repeaters Weapon Mods
- Capacitive Magazine – using ability returns 4 ammo.
- Scoped Sights – increases damage falloff range by 25%.
- Lucky Magazine – gives 2% critical strike chance for each missing round from the Magazine.
- Extraction Catalyst – gives reduction in ability cooldowns by 2 seconds when you dodge Behemoth attacks.
- Lightweight Frame – gives 20% increased movement speed when the ammo is at 6 or less.
- Precision Sights – deals 5 increased damage when you attack the same part multiple times.
Sword Weapon Mods
- Adhesive Hilt – makes you unstaggerable during special.
- Reactive Hilt – dodging attacks gives critical strike.
- Perpetual Bladecore – dealing damage in special generates a small amount of special meter.
War Pike Weapon Mods
- Concussive Payload – converts meter into ammo which you can spend to fire missiles the interrupt and damage Behemoths.
- Savage Wellspring – converts meter into ammo which you can spend to create an aura that buffs nearby allies.
- Godhand – converts meter into ammo which you can spend to channel a beam which deals damage to Behemoth.
Check out more Dauntless Guides below