Total War Three Kingdoms will be the twelfth installment in the total war series. it is a turn-based real-time tactics game developed by Creative Assembly, Feral Interactive and Publisher Sega.
The new iteration takes place in China 190 AD. players will take control of one of the Twelve factions where you must eliminate other factions, unite China and become the ultimate ruler of China.
Battle Units Details, Strength, And Weakness In Total War Three Kingdoms
To progress through the game you will need to wage war on various factions using the army. but just raising an army and sending them into battle is not enough to win the war.
So below you will find a guide, on the strength and weakness of all battle units.
Melee Infantry
This class comes with swords, axes, and shields. the will be the core of the army as they have a good melee charge bonus.
- Strength – They are good against polearm and ranged infantry.
- Weakness – But are weak against cavalry.
Polearm Infantry
This class comes with pike and spear. they are good at defense and can also be decent in offense but deal less damage than melee infantry
- Strength – They are good against cavalry. you can make them stand still in defense position where they gain braced and charge reflection vs mounted abilities.
- Weakness – But are weak against Melee infantry
Ranged Infantry
This class comes with crossbows and bows and arrow. they can deal damage from a good range but they do not have high armor.
- Strength – They are good against slow-moving troops like polearm or just tightly packed slow moving army.
- Weakness – But are weak against cavalry and melee as they can move quickly.
This class moves very fast and if used properly can easily win the battles.
- Strength – They are good against melee infantry and Ranged Infantry.
- Weakness – But are weak against Braced and charge reflection Polearm Infantry. they are also not very good at static battle against melee infantry. so if you find your cavalry standing and fighting then move them and charge from other angles.
There are three types of Cavalry
- Melee Cavalry – they have swords and shields and deal high damage against melee and ranged infantry.
- Shock Cavalry – they have lances for weapon and deal massive damage when used along with charging. but once the charge goes away their damage decreases.
- Ranged Cavalry – they have bows and arrows which let them deal ranged like archers but with better mobility. they are good for impact damage when charging but are less effective than melee and shock cavalry.
Ranged Artillery
This class has the highest range of attacks and deal massive damage with projectiles of different types.
- Strength – They are good against destroying city walls, towers, gates, and bastion artillery
- Weakness – But are weak against melee attacks from melee infantry and cavalry.
Check out more Total War Three Kingdoms Below