Mortal Kombat 11 – How To Get Cleansing Stone For Weather Removal

Mortal Kombat 11 will be a new fighting game in the main series and comes with a new story, new characters, new combat mechanics, high definition graphics and more.

Throughout the game, you will get many different types of Konsumables. each of them has different uses and one of them is called Cleansing Stone which is quite useful but difficult to obtain. so below you will find a guide on how to get the cleansing stone.

How To Get Cleansing Stone In Mortal Kombat 11

Before you dive into the farming the cleansing stone. you need to know that there is currently no exact method to obtain them as different players have reported different way on how they got them.

So below you will find some method which you can use to get the cleansing stone. just note that you will need to grind a bit.

Towers Of Time – one of the ways to obtain cleansing stone is to just check the reward for the towers of time and look for the cleansing stone. if you find it just complete it to get the reward.

The Shrine – in the shrine you will find a six arm statue where you can spend koins to get random rewards. if you do not want to look around the game for the stone and have a good amount of Koins. then you can simply spend Koins on the shrine to get the cleansing stone.

Krypt – The first way to get the stone is to progress through the Krypt and keep opening the chests until you get them as the drops from the chests are random.

What Does Cleansing Stone Do?

Throughout the Tower progression, you will find some stages where the Weather creates problems. using this stone will remove the weather and makes thing easier for you.

Check out more Mortal Kombat 11 guides below

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