Mortal Kombat 11 will be the sequel to 2015’s MK and eleventh installment in the main series. it will be bringing plenty of old and new mechanics.
There will be 25 playable characters at the launch out of which 3 are new to the series Kollector, Cetrion, and Geras.
All Fatalities Input Buttons (PC, PS4, Xbox One) In Mortal Kombat 11
With the return of fatalities you will be able to perform two different variant for each character. the second one is locked but if you know the correct input you can still perform them.
So below you will find a guide on all fatalities input and button for all characters in PC, PS4, and Xbox One and How To Do All Fatalities.
Basic Command Interpretation For Reading Combos Below
- F – Forward
- B – Back
- D – Down
- U – Up
- FP – Front Punch (PS4 – Square, Xbox – X, Switch – Y)
- BP – Back Punch (PS4 – Triangle, Xbox – Y, Switch – X)
- FK – Front Kick (PS4 – X, Xbox – A, Switch – B)
- BK – Back Kick (PS4 – Circle, Xbox – B, Switch – A)
All Characters Fatalities Input Combos (How To Do Fatalities)
- Food For Thought – B, D, B, BP (Close range)
- Rock Paper, Baraka – B, F, B, BP (close range)
Cassie Cage
- 1 <3 U – D, D, F, BK (Mid range)
- #GirlPower – B, D, D, B, BP (Far Range)
- Maintaining Balance – B, D, F, D, BK (Mid Range)
- Good And Evil – B, D, B, FK (Mid Range)
- New Species – B, F, B, FK (Close range)
- Can’t Die – B, D, B, FK (Mid range)
Erron Black
- Melted – D, D, D, FP (Mid range)
- Death Trap – D, F, D, BP (Mid range)
- Ice Sculpture – F, B, D, FP (Close range)
- The Cyber Initiative – B, F, D, F, BK (Mid range)
- Phasing Through Time – B, D, D, FK (All Range)
- Peeling Back – D, F, B, FP (Close range)
- Bow Before Me – D, D, F, D, BK (All range)
- Pole Dance – B, F, D, F, FK (Close range)
Jacqui Briggs
- Spider Mines – F, D, F, FK (Mid range)
- Nothin But Neck – B, F, B, D, BK (Close range)
Jax Briggs
- Coming in Hot – F, D, F, FK (Close range)
- Still Got It – B, F, B, D, FP (Close range)
Johnny Cage
- Mr Cage’s Neighborhood – F, B, D, D, BK (Close range)
- Who Hired This Guy – F, D, F, FP (Close range)
- Road Rash – B, F, D, F, FK (Mid range)
- Hooked – D, D, D, BK (Close range)
- Last Dance – F, D, D, FP (Close range)
- Face Like A Dropped Pie – B, D, F, BP (Close range)
- Gore Nado – D, D, D, D, BP (Mid range)
- Royal Execution – D, B, F, FP (Mid range)
- For The Kollection – D, D, D, D, BK (Close range)
- Head Lantern – D, F, B, FP (Close range)
Kotal Kahn
- Totem Sacrifice – B, D, B, FK (Close range)
- Kat Food – B, F, B, F, FP (Close range)
Kung Lao
- Headed Nowhere – D, B, D, F, FP (Close range)
- Meat Slicer – D, F, D, FK (close range)
Liu Kang
- Burn out – D, B, D, F, FP (Clsoe range)
- Belly of The Beast – B, D, B, F, BP (Mid range)
Noob Saibot
- Split Decision – B, F, B, F, BK (Mid range)
- Double Trouble – D, D, D, FP (close range)
- Alternating Current – B, D, B, FP (Mid range)
- Direct Current – D, F, B, FK (Close range)
- You’re Next – B, D, D, FP (Far range)
- Chain Reaction – D, F, B, BP (Far Range)
Shao Kahn
- Back Blown Out – B, F, D, D, BP (Close range)
- Kahn Sequences – B, F, B, FP (Close range)
- Bloody Mass – F, B, D, FK (Mid range)
- Hear Condition – D, D, F, BK (Mid range)
Sonya Blade
- To The Choppa – D, F, B, BP (Mid range)
- Supply Drop – B, F, D, FK (Close range)
Sub Zero
- Ice Cutioner – B, F, B, BP (Mid range)
- Frozen in Time – F, D, F, BK (Mid range)
Check out more Mortal Kombat 11 guides below