Destiny 2 – How To Reignite And Finish The Bergusia Forge

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is now available on all major platforms like PC, Xbox, and PS4. it has been created by Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie and was first released in 2017 but had a real shaky start.

Despite that, the game managed to stabilize itself and since then has released plenty of expansion and content for Guardians to grind through. the latest DLC is the Black Armory and has brought plenty of challenging tasks.

How To Reignite And Finish The Bergusia Forge In Destiny 2

The last few days have been quite a frenzy for the Destiny community as the Niobe Labs has been quite troublesome and frustrating for the Veteran Guardians.

As no player in the game was able to complete the Niobe challenge. the devs of the game had to step in and they decided that they will open the final forge for all players.

So in this guide, you will learn how to ignite the Bergusia Forge easily and quickly.

Location Of Bergusia Forge

The forge is located in the southeastern part of the European Dead Zone (EDZ). once there just go over the bridge and then pass through the Sojourner’s camp. after this just follow the path into the Niobe Labs. once you reach there the large doors will open for you.

Just note that this particular Forge can be only accessed if you have purchased the annual pass content. furthermore, you also need to get the power level of 650 for this activity.

Igniting And Completing The Forge Quest

After you reach the Forge you will find plenty of Fallen and Cabal you need to kill them all and then go to the center to reignite the forge. be careful as it is a high-level activity you will face tough enemies.

You will need to survive three waves of enemies and also kill the glowing blue enemies. they will drop batteries which you need to throw into the forge to increase the timer.

After the first two waves, you will reach the third and final wave where you will face a Boss, The Black Recluse.

To take it down quickly you will need to aim at its leg and break its armor to reveal the core. this will disable the walker for a few seconds. in this given time you will need to damage it as much as you can. you need to repeat the method until you destroy it and Finish the Forge igniting quest.

After completing it you will receive various rewards which will differ from player to player.

Collecting The Black Armory Key Mold

If you are trying to open the Mysterious box. then you will need to take down the two drones which appear during the Three forge waves. doing this will max the temper. to know more about how to get The Black Armory Key you can follow the link listed below.

Check out more Destiny 2 guides below

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