Red Dead Online has been finally released for all RDR2 owners on PS4 and Xbox. it is the online version of the RDR2 world where you will be able to play with other online players.
Here you will be able to create your own online character and customize its appearance and abilities according to your play styles. then you can travel through the open world where you will find different missions and spontaneous events marking the era of the Wild West.
All Location For Black Bone Forest Treasure Map In Red Dead Online
In the online version of the game, you will be able to take part in many different activities like hunting, fishing, fighting rival gangs and more.
Treasure hunting is one of the many activities in which you will get a map and if you are able to decode the map. you will receive a treasure chest with money and other rewards.
So in this guide, you will find all the location of the Black Bone Forest treasure map. below you will find all the four possible location description and a map which you can refer to.
All Location For Black Bone Forest Map
Treasure Location #1
The first treasure can be found on the western side of the map. you will need to go to Black Bone Forest located just below the letter “B” of the word Big. once you area at the Black bone forest go west and you will find the chest among two rocks. next to a tree.
Treasure Location #2
The second treasure is located near the black bone forest. it is located south from the letter “B” of the word Black. once you are there look for a hole in a tree trunk. the tree is thick and is just a stump with no upper part.
Treasure Location #3
The third treasure present in the Black Bone Forest. it is located just below the word “B” of the word black. once there you will need to look for a bush height tree near a fallen tree.
Treasure Location #4
The fourth treasure is also present near the black bone forest. it is located north from the letter “C” of the word Black. you will need to use your vision to locate it. refer to the location marked on the map listed above.
Check out more Red Dead Online/ RDR2 guides below