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Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu And Eevee – Get All Secret Techniques

Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee will the latest and the first Pokemon game for Nintendo Switch. it will be an action Roleplaying game by Publisher Nintendo Switch and Developer Game Freak.

Players will start the game with either Eevee or Pikachu. the gameplay mechanics are a combination of both Pokemon Yellow and Pokemon Go. you will be able to get new clothing, evolutions, and secret abilities.

How To Get All Secret Techniques In Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu And Eevee

Throughout the game, you will be able to gain many new Pokemon, items, and abilities which will help you progress through the story and also let you gain access to new areas.

The Secret Techniques are one of the many abilities you can unlock and use in the game and are very similar to the previous Hidden Machines. but in Let’s Go you can teach it only to your starter Pokemon which can either be Pikachu or Eevee.

Below you will find a guide on how to unlock and gain new Secret Techniques

Chop Down (Cut-ability)

To get this ability you will need to progress through the main story and reach the S.S Anne ship. once you board the ship talk to the captain of the ship who is present in the Captains Quarter. he will teach you how the secret technique to chop down trees.

Sky Dash (Fly ability)

To get this ability you will need to reach Celadon City. here you will need to go to the Rocket Gaming Corner and enter through the secret Entrance present on the right side behind a rocket poster.

Once you get inside the Team Rocket’s HQ you will need to progress through the game reach the Boss Giovanni and defeat him. after defeating it you will need to get out of the gaming corner and you will find a guy with a flying machine. speak with him and you will receive the Sky Dash Fly Technique.

Strong Push (Strength ability)

To get this ability you will need to progress through the story and fight Koga in Fuchsia City Gym. after that go to route 19 and you will find Team Rocket.

Talk to them and get the Gold Braces. then head to Wardens House and give him the Braces. doing this will give you the ability “Strong Push” Strength Technique.

Sea Skim (Surf ability)

To get this ability you will need to reach Fuchsia City. then you will need to go to Pokemon Go Park, here you will find a man near a Lapras and a surfboard. talk to him and he will teach you the Sea Skim (surf ability) which will let you travel across water.

Light Up (Flash)

To get this ability you will need to exit Diglett’s cave and then go back towards Vermillion City. here outside a small house, you will find Professor Oak’s Assistant.

Talk to him, get inside his house and he will teach you the Light Up (Flash) secret techniques which will let you travel through darker areas.

Check out more Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu And Eevee guides below

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