Life Is Strange 2 Episode 1 – Location Of All The Souvenir

Life Is Strange 2

Life Is Strange 2 Episode 1 has been released by Developer Dontnod Entertainment and Publisher Square Enix On PC, PS4 and Xbox One. it is an episodic graphic adventure game and it will be the second entry in the main series.

The latest story takes players into the life of two brothers Sean and Daniel Diaz, 16 and 9. under unknown circumstance the duo are forced to run away from home in Seattle. fearing from police they head towards Mexico with lots of mysteries.

Location Of All The Souvenir In Life Is Strange 2 Episode 1

Throughout the game, you will be able to interact with and collect many different items and objects present in the story.

One of those items is the Souvenirs which are collectible items. there are a total of six such items, some of them are easy to spot and cannot be missed and some needs a bit of work.

So below you will find the list of all the Souvenir present in the first episode of the game. this way you can easily collect all the collectible items.

Fishing Bait

This souvenir is located on the river bank which is near to the location where the two brothers build a bonfire.

From the bonfire, turn left and walk to the edge until you reach a tree. on the tree, you will find the souvenir. just get near it and press the interactive button.


This souvenir is located at the Gas Station. so head there and go to the back of the station. there you will find a wood log with a Halloween Pumpkin. go near and you will see an interactive option “Move”.

Press it and a bird will fly away leaving behind a feather. pick it up and you will receive your second Souvenir.

Bear Keychain

This souvenir is located in the Gas Station. so head there and get inside the store. then go near the cash counter and you will see an interactive button “Show”

Press it and the Old Saleswoman will give you one of the Keychain. this will be your third Souvenir of the game.

Trucker Sticker

This souvenir is also present in the Gas Station. so head inside the store and look for a Beer advertisement poster. next, to the poster on the window, you will find a sticker.

Pick the sticker by pressing the interactive button and you will receive the souvenir.

Shark Tooth Pendant

This souvenir is located near the “Three Seals” Motel. there you will be sitting on a stone and playing with a Dog named Mushroom.

You need to throw a stick towards the sea and wait until the dog comes running back. while returning the dog will bring the pendant.

Card Inside The Motel

This souvenir can be found inside the Motel “Three Seals”. in your room, go to your closet and open it. on the right side, you will see a card.

Press the Pickup option by pressing the Interactive button and you will receive your souvenir.



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