Destiny 2: Forsaken has been released by Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie on PC, PS4, and Xbox. the latest DLC will have a new storyline which takes place in The reef and it also decides the fate of the most iconic character Cayde 6.
In Forsaken you will get new crucible maps, new raids, new weapons, new gears and much more. you will also get to play the new PVE/PVP mode the Gambit.
Location Of All The Arc Charge In Destiny 2: Forsaken
In the latest update you can travel to Dreaming City and there you will be able collect Arc Charges to open a chest which can give you a loot ranging from a low tier to high tier.
Just remember to visit the chest where you put the charges before you collect the orbs. if they are shining then it means you can collect the orbs. if they are not shining then it means you need to reload the area to spawn them.
Below you will find a list of all the orbs present in Divalian Mists and The Strand. both locations contain three orbs each.
Orb Locations In Divalian Mists
Location Of The Chest – the chest is located on the north/upper section of Divalian Mists. on the edge of the mountain.
Orb #1 – the first orb is located on the northwestern/upper left section of Divalian Mists. this particular orb is present on a pedestal which is present among the rocks on the side of the cliff.
Orb #2 – the second orb is located on the east/right section of Divalian Mists. this particular orb is present on a pedestal which is located inside a small cave.
Orb #3 – the third orb is located on the north/upper section of Divalian Mists. this particular orb is present on a pedestal which is located high up on the large rocks. you will need to climb to the tops of the rock and then look down for a white pedestal.
Orb Location In The Strand
Location Of The Chest – it is located on the south-east/lower right side of The Strand. you can see it just below the bridge on the riverside.
Orb #1 – the first orb is present on the south/lower side of The Strand. it is located near a giant rock in the middle of the misty area, look for it carefully otherwise you will miss it.
Orb #2 – the second orb is present on the northeast/upper side of The Strand. it is on the opposite side of the chest. it is located just before you enter the bridge to go to the camp.
Orb #3 – the third orb is present on the south-east/lower right side of The Strand. it is located near your base camp. on the leftmost side of the mountain.
Check Out More Destiny 2: Forsaken guide below