Destiny 2: Forsaken Where To Find All EDZ Wanted Bounties

Destiny 2: Forsaken has been finally released by Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie. it is the latest DLC in the game and brings tons of new content like new missions, weapons, raid, and storyline.

In Destiny 2: Forsaken, players will be able to customize their guardian with nine new super abilities, meet a new enemy faction The Scorn and new PVE/PVP mode The Gambit.

Where To Find All EDZ Wanted Bounties In Destiny 2: Forsaken

In the latest update of the game, players will be able to collect and unlock many different materials and items.

EDZ Wanter Bounties is also one of the several new things added in the update. you will be able to hunt to down different enemies to collect various rewards.

Below you will find a list of all the bounties you can achieve in Destiny 2: Forsaken. you will find their locations and after that, all you need to do is just clear the area.

Calzar, Scarred Captain

To get this bounty, go to the east side/right side of Sludge. there you will find a hidden door. just enter it, kill all enemies and get the bounty.

Devourer Drag

To get this bounty, go to the ship area of Echion hold and from there go all the way down. at the end of this area you will find enemies, kill all of them and you get your bounty.

Downpour Captain

To get this bounty, go to the center of the winding cove there you will find a hidden door and inside it, you will enemies which you need to kill. after that, you will get your bounty.

Drained Captain

To get his bounty, go to the northwestern/upper left side of outskirts. there you will find a hidden door. enter the cave and you just clear the area to get your bounty.

Dust Chocked Thrag

To get this bounty, go to the northeast/upper right side of Firebase Hades. there you will find a secret door enter it and you will arrive at Excavation Site XII, here just clear the enemies and get the bounty.

Fortifier Yann

To get this bounty, go to the east/right side of the Sunken Isles. there you will find an entrance, enter it and you will arrive at the Quarry. here clear all the enemies and get your item.

Kurg, The All Seeing Force

To get this bounty, go to north-west/upper left side of the Firebase Hades. there you will find a space below a ramp. enter it and on the left side, you will find an entrance. from here just kill all the enemies and get the bounty.

Mazan, Lost Captain

To get this bounty, first, go to Trostland and then go near Supply & Demand Adventure. there look for a signboard named Gragerich. below the sign, you will find a blue colored entrance. follow the path and you will arrive in an area where you need to clear all enemies and after doing it you will get Mazan, Lost Captain bounty.

Metal Captain

To get his bounty, go to the outskirts, there you will find a door which will take you inside an underground area. there you need to kill all the enemies and once you clear the area. go to the right side there you will get the Metal Captain.

Phyzann, Drowned Captian

To get this bounty, go to Gulch and on then to the left side of the area. there you will find a door which will lead you to inside a tunnel. there you will need to defeat all the enemies and after that, you will get the Phyzann, Drowned Captain bounty.


To get this bounty, go to Trostland and look for a Servitor which looks like a giant circular robot. if you don’t find it wait for it to spawn or just rejoin the area again and again until its spawn.

Sunless Captain

To get this bounty, go to the northeast/upper right side of Trostland. there you will find an entrance, go inside, kill all enemies and get your reward.

 Varghul Fragment Of Oryx

To get this bounty, go to the center of the Sludge. there you will find a hidden door. enter it, clear it and you will receive the bounty.

Zerz, The Unstoppable Weight

To get his bounty, go to the south-east/lower right side of Firebase Hades. there you will find a secret door marked with the arch symbol. enter it and you will arrive at Pathfinder’s Crash. here clear all the enemies and you will receive the bounty.

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