SCUM – How To Improve Performance And Increase FPS


Publisher Devolver Digital and Developer Gamepires, Croteam have released their new game named SCUM on steam early access. it is a third person survival game where players play as a prisoner who needs to survive on a deadly island.

Players will need to gather different resources like food, water and also craft weapons and items to protect themselves from other prisoners and other threats present across the game.

How To Improve Performance And Increase FPS In SCUM

The early access gameplay has been quite good and it is expected that the devs would soon add more new contents.

But just like most of the early access game it also comes with some performance issue like low fps, some lags, and other issues.

If you too want to improve your game performance then follow the guide below and use them accordingly.

First Method

First, you need to get into the console for the game and then you need to type following parameters to improve performance and increase FPS.

-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -nomansky -heapsize 6291456 -refresh 60

-USEALLAVAILABLECORES – this command force the game to use all cores available in your CPU. if you have a multicore CPU then you will be able to increase performance significantly.

-nomansky – this command will remove all unnecessary visual effects from the game and will improve the FPS.

-refresh – this command will set the refresh rate of your Monitor. if you have a 60Hz monitor then use -refresh 60 or if you have a 144Hz monitor then use -refresh 144 or you can lower the number.

-heapsize – this command refers to the Ram Allocation. you can check the list below to know what command you need to use for your PC.

  • 512MB System Memory: -heapsize 262144
  • 1GB System Memory: -heapsize 524288
  • 2GB System Memory: -heapsize 1048576
  • 3GB System Memory: -heapsize 1572864
  • 4GB System Memory: -heapsize 2097152
  • 5GB System Memory: -heapsize 2621440
  • 6GB System Memory: -heapsize 3145728
  • 7GB System Memory: -heapsize 3670016
  • 8GB System Memory: -heapsize 4194304
  • 16GB System Memory: -heapsize 6291456
Second Method
  • First press window + r
  • Then type %Appdata% and press enter
  • This will open the folder path Username>appdata>roaming. you need to click on the Appdata in the address path.
  • There you need to go to Local>SCUM>Save>Config>Windowsnoeditor. in this folder you need to open the Gameusersetting file.

This will open a notepad with different settings you have. you just need to scroll down and look for FrameRateLimit.

You need to change the FrameRateLimit to 144Hz if you have a 144Hz monitor or just 99Hz if you are not sure about your PC capability.

  • For 144Hz monitor – FrameRateLimit=144.000000

Then save and close the file and start the game this should give you increased FPS and improve performance.

As SCUM is still in early access period it comes with some performance issue. so in this guide, you will learn how to increase performance and increase fps

Check out more SCUM Guides below

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