The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit – Codes For Cell Phone And Locker

Developer DONTNOD Entertainment and Publisher Square Enix have released their new game titled The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit. it is a free to play story-rich adventure game where players play Chris a creative and imaginative 9-year-old boy.

In The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit, players will be able to experience a fantastical adventure but on that journey, you will need to solve many different puzzles which will help you progress through the game.

Codes For Cell Phone And Locker In The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit

In the game, players will need to solve many puzzles some are easy and some are tricky which can take a lot of time if you don’t know what to look for.

Of the many puzzles and codes, there are two codes which are a bit confusing and those are the Locker code and the Cellphone code. if you are also confused about what are the codes and how to get them. then follow the guide below.

The Locker Code is located in the Dad’s trophy showcase, interact and you will be able to pick up the photo of the dad and on that photo, you will be able to see the year on the top left.

The year is the code which is – 2005

With the code just proceed to the locker inside the garage and use it to open it.

The Cell Phone Code is located on the table, pick it up and you will need to write HAWTDAWG but in the numerical fashion which means 4-gHi 2-Abc 9-Wxyz 8-Tuv 3-Def 2-Abc 9-Wxyz 4-Ghi.

The code will be – 42983294

The code will open the Cell Phone and then you will be able to play Mustard Party 2 a mini-game is almost similar to JetpackJoyride.

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