Vampyr – Guide To Location Of All One Hand Melee Weapons

Developer DONTNOD Entertainment and Publisher Focus Home Interactive have released their new latest game titled Vampyr. it is an open world RPG game where players play as Dr. Jonathan Reid in fictional 1918 London as a vampire.

In Vampyr players will be able to unlock and upgrade a wide variety of skills and abilities. one hand melee is one of the weapons categories and is also a collectible below you will find a guide to the location of all of them.

Guide To Location Of All One-Hand Melee Weapons In Vampyr

There are different types of weapon in the game like the off-hand weapon, ranged weapon, melee weapon and more. One hand melee is also a category and as the name suggests is wielded by one hand and does decent damage.

There are a total of twelve different One hand melee weapons and all of them have different stats. just remember that some weapons can only be obtained by killing a citizen and so that’s why there are mentioned in Chapter 6 part as it is the final chapter.

Machete In Prologue – this is a basic weapon and you will find it at the very beginning of the game. you will need to pick it up to protect yourself from the enemies in Prologue

Bludgeon In Chapter 1 – to get this weapon you will need to progress through chapter 1 and defeat  William Bishop.

Hacksaw In Chapter 1 – to get this weapon go to the second floor of Pembroke hospital and search there.

Hatchet In Chapter 2 – to get this weapon go the white chapel in chapter 2, then proceed northwest from the chapel. you will find a warehouse, go to the second floor and will find a sewer monster defeat it and get the weapon.

Saber In Chapter 4 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 5 and defeat Doris Fletcher.

Archer’s Hatchet In Chapter 6 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and get it from Archer in the Docks.

Clay’s Hatchet In Chapter 6 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and defeat Clay at the Pembroke hospital.

Louise’s Machete In Chapter 6 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and embrace Louise in the West End of the map.

Newton’s Saber In Chapter 6 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and embrace Newton in Hospital.

Rakesh’s Surgical Saw In Chapter 6 –  to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and embrace Rakesh in Hospital and then loot his chest to get the weapon.

Seymour’s Bludgeon In Chapter 6 – to get this weapon progress through chapter 6 and embrace Seymour in the Docks.

True Dragonbane In Chapter 6 – this weapon is quite tricky to get is by the most complicated collectible and another major problem is that there is no fixed way to get it as it random for every player. to get this weapon you need to complete the  Pandora’s Box side quest from Usher Talltree.

Check out the following guide

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