Destiny 2 – Guide On How To Get Redrix’s Claymore Legendary Rifle

Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie have released a new DLC campaign for their game Destiny 2 Warmind and with it comes tons of new mission, challenges, bounties and of course the opportunity to unlock special weapons and items.

In the new DLC, players can take part in various new events like Raid Liar, Escalation Protocol and more which gives various items as a reward. one of the new weapon players can get in the new season is the Redrix’s Claymore. below you will find a guide on how to do it.

Guide On How To Get Redrix’s Claymore Legendary Rifle In Destiny 2

Redrix’s Claymore is one of the new legendary rifles which players can unlock in the game. this weapon has been released alongside the Warmind Expansion. its looks pretty cool and also gives the owner bragging right for getting a high tier weapon.

The weapon has high firing rate and to support this trait it comes along with high stability which makes it one of the best rifles in the game. if you too want to get this weapon then get ready for some serious grinding.

The basic requirement to get the Weapon is to play the Crucible mode and reach the required level to unlock it. the only problem is here is that the players need to play Competitive/Ranked Crucible and reach the ‘Fabled’ rank in the Season 3.

If you are able to reach to reach the Fabled rank then consider grinding till you reach Legend as on that rank you will receive the Glory and Grandeur weapon mod. you can equip it to change the weapon appearance and you will be able to use it on all characters of a particular account.

Depending on what is your skill level is in the game it might take either a small amount of time or a long time. so get grinding.

Perks And Stats Of Redrix’s Claymore

The weapon comes with two powerful perks one is the Outlaw trait which decreases the reload time when you get precision kills. the second one is Desperado trait a unique ability that increases your rate of fire upon reloading while outlaw is active.

It also comes with a high-impact frame which makes the aim more accurate when you are standing still and aiming through the close-up sights.

Also, Check out the following guide In Destiny 2 Warmind



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