Destiny 2 Warmind – Guide On How To Get Worldline Zero Exotic Sword

Destiny 2 Warmind

Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie have released a new DLC campaign for their game Destiny 2 Warmind and with it comes tons of new challenges, mission, bounties and of course the opportunity to unlock special weapons and items.

In the new DLC, players can now get new items which will help them unlock new chests and other unlockables. one of the new weapons which players can get in the game is the Wordline Zero Exotic Sword. below you will find a guide to unlock it and what are its perk and stats.

Guide On How To Get Worldline Zero Exotic Sword In Destiny 2 Warmind

Bungie has added a new sword in the Warmind DLC called the Worldline Zero. it has an exotic rarity and looks pretty cool.

As always the game does not tell you how you can get this beauty which has created some confusion among the players. if you too are looking for a guide on how to get this sword then follow the steps listed below.

To get the Worldine Zero Sword first go to Mars. in this new area, you will need to get 35 Latent Memories which are in the form of holographic data pieces.

These collectibles items are scattered across the map and when you find it you will need to open them by shooting it with certain weapons. for example, If a Latent Memory is Void then it can be destroyed by void, if the lament memory is Solar it can be destroyed by Solar, Arc Lament can be destroyed by Arc and Kinetic Lament with no element.

But while in search of Lament memories you will find some Lament memory which cannot be destroyed with any damage types. these laments emit small electricity aura which means it can be only destroyed by a Valkyrie. to get a Valkyrie kill the bosses in public events and you will get Rasputin Armory Code which can be used to get the Valkyrie.

Crafting The Sword

Once you have the 35 Lament memories you need to go to Braytech Futurescape. in the western part of this region, you will find an area called Core Terminus lost sector. go there and you will find a corridor follow the path and stick to the left and you will eventually arrive before a tall cache.

Go near it and you will find a message “ANSERIS – 35 Cache Data Required” then interact with it and you will get the Worldline Zero Exotic Sword.

Wordline Zero Sword Perk And Stats.

The sword has 345 attacks and does Arc type damage. it comes with Tesseract intrinsic perk which allows players to perform a powerful offensive move even while running.

Then it has Tireless Blade trait which gives you sword ammo whenever you kill with a sword. the Assassin’s Blade which increases the damage and movement speed after every sword kills. the Tempered Edge which increases damage and ammo and the Infinite Guard which gives players balanced defense

Also Checkout the following guide Of Destiny 2 Warmind

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