Destiny 2 Warmind – How To Decrypt Encrypted Cache Key

Destiny 2 Warmind

Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie have released a new DLC campaign for their game Destiny 2 Warmind and with it comes tons of new challenges, mission, bounties and of course the opportunity to unlock special weapons and items.

In the new DLC, players can now get new items which will help them unlock new chests and other unlockables. the Encrypted Cache Key and the Decrypted Cache Key are some the items which you farm in Warmind and you will need them if you want to unlock some cool stuff. below you will find how to get them.

How To Decrypt Encrypted Cache Key In Destiny 2 Warmind

There are many items which you can obtain in the new Warmind DLC. one of those items is the Encrypted Cache Key which is very difficult to obtain and it is further used to make Decrypted cache key which is even more difficult to get.

To obtain both Encrypted Cache Key and Decrypted Cache Key you will need to grind many hours of the game. so follow the guide below to learn how to get both of them.

Encrypted Cache Key – To get Encrypted Cache Key you will need to have the Warmind DLC and you must complete the main story campaign. after that jump into the multiplayer events like Heroic Strikes and Adventures, the Raid, or the Nightfall Strikes whichever mode you want to play.

Completing these events will give you Rasputin Key Fragments. you can then take the key fragments to Ana Bray and she will give you an Encrypted Cache Key. you will need seven Rasputin Key Fragments to create one Cache Key.

Decrypted Cache Key – once you get the encrypted Cache key you will need to Decrypt it, to do that participate in Escalation Protocols and complete all the levels. you may have to grind this mode multiple times before you get a Decrypted Cache Key.

Once you get the Decrypted Cache Key you can use it to open the final loot Chest from the Escalation Procotols. if you don’t know how to get the loot chest, just play the Escalation Procotols and kill the final boss which will be very difficult. once you kill it you will get a loot chest now all you have to do is use the Cache Key on the chest and get your rewards.


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