Destiny 2 Warmind – How To Get All The Four Ikelos Weapons

Publisher Activision and Developer Bungie have released a new DLC campaign for their game Destiny 2 Warmind and with it comes tons of new challenges, mission, bounties and of course the opportunity to unlock special weapons and items.

In the new DLC, players can now get new items which will help them unlock new chests and other unlockables. one of the new unlockables weapons is the Ikelos Weapon Family which has different weapons under it. if you want to get all the weapons follow the guide below.

How To Get All The Four Ikelos Weapons In Destiny 2 Warmind

The Ikelos is a legendary class weapon family in the new Warmind DLC. all the weapons in this family looks like it has arrived from a some SCI-FI movie.

There are four weapons under the Ikelos weapon family and all of them have the same description. these weapons do not appear in the main story campaign. so it has created some confusion among players on how to get it. but don’t worry we will go through all the weapons.

IKELOS_HC_V1.0.1 hand cannon – To get the IKELOS_HC_V1.0.1 hand cannon you will need to complete the story and then start the quest called A Piece of The Past. it is the second quest from Ana Bray after the main story. once you complete the quest you will get it as a reward.

As the name suggests it is a hand cannon with a decent firepower. It has the Precision Frame perk which lets you shoot more precisely and quickly. apart from that it also has Rampage trait which increases the damage when you kill someone.

IKELOS_SMG_V1.0.1 submachine gun – This Ikelos weapon does not have an exact method to obtain it. but you can try to complete the Escalation Protocol event and kill the final boss to get the final loot chest. to unlock it you will need the Decrypted Cache Key.

The Submachine gun comes with Aggressive Frame perk which increases the bullet damage when used in a short range. it also comes with the Grave Robber trait, with this trait whenever you get a melee kills a portion of the magazine will be reloaded automatically.

IKELOS_SR_V1.0.1 sniper rifle –  This weapon also does not have an exact known method on how you can get it. but you can try completing the Escalation Protocol event and farm the final boss on the seventh level to get the chest rewards. you might get it in one of them remember you will need Decrypted Cache Key to unlock the chest.

The sniper rifle comes with Rapid-fire Frame which allows the player to reload more quickly when you magazine gets empty. it also has the Triple Tap trait which returns a bullet whenever you land quick precision shots.

IKELOS_SG_V1.0.1 legendary shotgun – Similar to the Ikelos sniper rifle you will need to participate and grind the Escalation Protocol event and look for chest from the boss on the seventh level. unlock the chest with Decrypted Cache Key and if are lucky you might get it.

The shotgun comes with Rapid-fire Frame which allows the player to reload more quickly when you magazine gets empty. it also has the Moving Target trait which increases the auto-aim and movement speed whenever you are aiming through the close-up sights.

Also Checkout the following guide Of Destiny 2 Warmind
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