Monster Prom – Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever Stats Questions And Answers

Monster Prom

Developer Beautiful and Glitch Publisher Those Awesome Guys recently released their new latest game titled Monster Prom. it is an indie simulation Dating game where players get 3 weeks to get a date for the Monster Prom.

In the game, players can increase various stats which will help them seduce one of the classmates and get them for the Prom. to increase the stats you can take the Stupidest Pop Quiz and according to your answer, you will get various stats. below you will found a guide on what answers to give for a particular stat bonus.

Guide To All The Stats Questions And Answers In Monster Prom

The Stats Question gives what it states give your character Stats. each question gives you different points and depending on the points scored you will get a particular boost to one of the six stats present in the game like Boldness, Creativity, Charm, Money, Fun, Smarts

There are many questions and different questions appear randomly in different orders when you take the Stupidest Pop Quiz Ever. below you will find what answers to give to gain a boost for a stat of your preference.

Question – You wish you were raised by…

  • Boldness – A venomous snake and fire
  • Fun – A mysterious old man
  • Money – Wild wolves

Question – You’re elected president for a day. What’s the first law you pass?

  • Charm – One dollar bills
  • Creativity – Sonnet taxes
  • Smarts – Trivia fact

Question – A radioactive possum just bit you… what superpower did you get?

  • Charm – Emoji combinations
  • Creativity – Writing fanfiction
  • Smarts – Rabies

Question – Which is the coolest mythological creature?

  • Creativity – This weird creature I drew
  • Fun – A rapping sphinx
  • Money – The invisible hand of the free market

Question – You get the chance to produce a movie. It’s based on…

  • Boldness – Explosions
  • Fun – Russion novelists
  • Money – Superheroes

Question – What is your spirit emoji?

  • Boldness – Snowman
  • Creativity – Guy With Turban
  • Fun – Octopus

Question – Be a visionary: what will the next big social media craze be?

  • Charm – Rbert
  • Money – Bull*hit
  • Smarts – Greek Agoras

Question – If you could put a curse on your worst enemy, what would it do?

  • Boldness – Disguised panther
  • Charm – Fad diets
  • Smarts – Radiation

Question – It’s your chance to fix global warming. Go ahead!

  • Creativity – Global warming isn’t real
  • Fun – Sun mission
  • Money – World is doomed

Question – If you had to have s** with an animal… which animal would it be?

  • Charm – Shark
  • Creativity – Swan
  • Smarts – Human

Question – School is outdated and lame. We need a new school subject ASAP!

  • Boldness – Punching a crocodile
  • Charm – Turning people into puppets
  • Smarts – Critical thought

Question – The coolest reality show would be…

  • Charm – Potato seduction
  • Money – Rich people
  • Smarts – People in positions of power

Question – Which god do you pray to each night before sleeping?

  • Charm – Praying is kind of lame
  • Money – All kinds of gods
  • Smarts – Praying is for fools

Question – What would be the coolest prize you could find in your box of cereal?

  • Boldness – A tiny piece of small metal
  • Charm – The tiger’s phone number
  • Smarts – A more nutritious breakfast option

Question – Democracy is just broken. What would be the best way of choosing the leaders of modern society?

  • Boldness – Grizzly bear
  • Creativity – Violin solo
  • Fun – America’s Next Top President

Question – Which inanimate object do you think would make the best girlfriend or boyfriend, provided you went criminally insane?

  • Creativity – A human-size pillow
  • Fun – A d***o, duh.
  • Money – An ATM

Question – You build a 100ft statue commemorating an event so that in 1000 years archaeologists can learn something about the people of our time. What does the statue represent?

  • Boldness – Devoured political figure
  • Creativity – Mind-blowing TV show twist
  • Fun – Stopped embarrassing drunk texts

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