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Ni No Kuni 2 – How To Complete Side Quest #107 Furnest, the Inscrutable Author

Ni No Kuni 2Ni No Kuni 2

Developer Level-5 and Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment have released their new latest game titled Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom. it is an action adventure JRPG game where players play as young king Evan who has been overthrown in a coop.

In the game, there are more than 100 different side quests players can complete these quests to gain rare items, weapons and even recruit new citizens. one of the side quests is quest no 107 which lets player recruit Furnest but unlocking him can be quite difficult. below you will find a guide on how to do it.

How To Complete Side Quest #107 Furnest, the Inscrutable Author In Ni No Kuni 2

The side quest #107 is one of the most tedious and tricky quests in the game and is not available easily. just to access it you need to complete chapter seven and must have completed over 80 errands for the Swift Solution.

Once you have completed 80 errands the Furnest will appear and you can activate the quest from the swift solution Task Master.

The taskmaster will randomly give you several tasks which are related to the Furnest. all the errands will have a bit of poetry and talk about a creative author. the item he needs is cosmic peas, a clump of frostyfluff, millennium peas, and grandads stool.

Location Of The Items

  • The Cosmic peas can be found at Calmlands, Death’s Door.
  • The clump of FrostyFluff can be located at Jack Frosts Playground, Freezybones Cave, from Swift Solutions.
  • Millennium peas can be found at Cloudcoil Canyon, Snaketooth Ridge
  • Grandads stool can be found at the Pinwheel Flats, East Wood.

Once you have completed all the task, return the taskmaster and give it to him. then he would tell that someone wants to meet you and you can find him at Ding Dong Dell by the Cats Cradle. just go to the location and will find Furnest, talk to him and he will become your citizen.

Also Check out the following guides from the game

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