Ni No Kuni 2 – Guide On Where To Find The Four Leafed Soreaway

Developer Level-5 and Publisher BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment have released their new latest game titled Ni No Kuni 2 Revenant Kingdom. it is an action adventure JRPG game where players play as young king Evan who has been overthrown in a coop.

In the game, players can collect Four Leafed Soreaway which is a very rare item to find in the game. using this item on any character restore a large portion of health so it is very useful. below you will find a guide on how to get this rare item by grinding a little bit.

Guide On Where To Find The Four Leafed Soreaway In Ni No Kuni 2

In Quest 037 Tiller, Long-Distance Rower – in this particular, the player will find themselves in the Abyss and you will use the water slide to move to different fathom depth level. there are two kinds of water slide one that takes you to lower levels and another one which takes you back up or a far side location.

To get the four-leafed Soreaway you need to first go to the 3000-fathom depth level and then take the slide which takes you up, this slide is located on southern part of the map and using it will take you back up to 2000 fathom depth level. here you will find a red chest open it and you will the four-leafed Soreaway.

Factory area in Broadleaf – you need to go to the bottom floor of the factory area which is located towards the end of the factory level and comes before the testing room. search the area and you will find a chest containing the four-leafed plant. be careful the place is filled with high-level droids.

Find Dreamer’s Maze Door – Sometimes while doing the Dreamer’s Maze Door quest you will be able to get the leaf. you will encounter different types of chests which are sealed and to unlock them you need to offering of purple orbs.

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