How To Get Regalia Type D In Final Fantasy XV Royal Edition Chapter 14

Recently Developer and Publisher Square Enix have finally released their game Final Fantasy XV on PC. it is an Open world JRPG game and is the official fifteenth main installment in the final fantasy series.
In the new Final Fantasy, XV players get access to a new Regalia variant known as Regalia Type D. it has huge tires and looks like a monster truck and can also be used to drive on off-road areas. but it is accessible only in certain chapters. below you will find a guide on how to get Type D in Chapter 14.
How To Get Regalia Type D In Final Fantasy XV
Different types of Regalia can be used in Chapter 15 but not in Chapter 14 but by using this guide you can get access to Regalia Type D in Chapter 14.
Before you begin to read the guide on how to unlock the Regalia Type D be warned that there are Spoilers ahead and only proceed if you have completed the campaign.
Now as you are still reading let’s begin the guide.
- You need to have completed Cindy’s Race Track Mission as it will be required later.
- Then, you need to complete all the Regalia Side Quests.
- Then after completing the Chapter 15, select a save from Chapter 15 and use umbra to travel back to the expanded Insomnia into the current storyline. this will give you access to new side quests.
- In insomnia you will find Talcott, he will give you access to a new quest and a key to a Garage which will have Regalia Type D Replica.
Regalia Type D is probably the best variant as a normal Regalia will get stuck on the rails of the roads but the Type D allows players to drive on unusually terrain, off roads areas and the best thing it looks super cool with huge wheels giving it a monster truck look.
The source of the guide is from Reddit user Nethaniell