Tube, A 3D Platformer Racing Game With No Brakes And Plenty Of Traps


Developer and Publisher Atomic Raccoon Studio are currently working on their new upcoming game titled Tube. it is a 3D platformer racing game where players take control of futuristic vehicles and race through an interactive world.

The game is super speedy and according to the devs, it can be seen as a combination of Trackmania & Super Meat Boy. the race track is filled with lots of traps and obstacles which can result in instadeath and to take things up a notch there are no brakes on the vehicles.

You can check out the description and trailer form the studio to get an idea of the game

TUBE is a high speed game mixed with 3D platformer and Die & Retry mechanics. You are driving through a futuristic and unreal world definitely not made for a peaceful ride. Tons of obstacles and traps will be on your road, trying to stop you at all cost and eventually induce Rage quits.

As you can see in the trailer the game is fast-paced and the vehicles are capable of performing some special moves like using Dash ability will give you more speed but it also increases the chance of death.

Barrel Rolls ability lets you flip the vehicle this technique is essential to dodge incoming obstacles and avoid falling into traps. the last ability is Hover and as the name suggests it lets you fly across a certain distance it can be used to pass dangerous levels or get into secret passages.

The game requires a fair level of skills and sharp reflexes to get fast some levels and as it is similar to Super Meat Boy be ready to get triggered cause it is rage inducing and will make you want to quit.

If you are interested in the game and want to try it then you can sign up at their official website to get a chance to access the beta build of the game.

Sign Up For Beta Builds Here 

Tube currently does not has a fixed released date but when it releases it will be coming for PC and Mac. for more information about the game you can visit the official website.

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