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Payday 2 h3h3 DLC Pack Adds Ethan And Hila From h3h3 Productions

Developer and Publisher OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio has released a new DLC Pack for their game Payday 2. the latest DLC pack contains two brand new character Ethan and Hila from youtube channel h3h3 production.

The two characters have been designed by Hila and Ethan themselves. Hila character looks like a buffed version of her making her looking like a female bouncer and Ethan as always has his big belly with double chin around his neck it’s pretty realistic.

According to the brief story of their characters, Ethan’s public relations and engagement attracted the interest of Bain and he somehow convinced him to join the gang in exchange for fortune, and glory. there is a lingering rumor that Hila has undergone extreme training in the Israeli military she keeps denying it but nothing escapes the gaze of Bain.

The duo character comes with a new perk deck named Tag Team. as a team, they can tag other players to gain health or reduce your cooldown timer. this perk makes teamwork very valuable and rewarding.

There are also new weapons in the DLC one is a ranged weapon Airbow a powerful silent semi-automatic weapon that’ll take out anything you aim with deadly precision. airbow can fire explosive arrow which explodes on impact and poison arrow which deals damage over time to a target.

Another added weapon is a Ruler, yup a two-handed ruler which is a melee weapon and can be used just like any other melee weapon.

The h3h3 DLC pack is priced at $4.99 and to make the offer even more attractive Overkill has reduced the price of Payday 1 by 75% and price of Payday 2 by 50%. all the buy out of the new DLC will go to Ethan and Hila.

For more information about the game or the DLC pack, you can visit the official website or the steam store page.

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