Blizzard Files Lawsuit Against Overwatch Rip Off Heroes Of Warfare


Developer and Publisher Blizzard entertainment’s Overwatch has managed to become one of the most popular online shooter game. after just one year of its release, they have sold more than 30 million copies of the game.

As it always happens with popular games more and more clone of overwatch popped up in the market and one such rip off is the Chinese mobile game Heroes Of Warfare. according to PC Watch, the game almost entirely looks like a copy of overwatch from heroes to map everything the only difference here is that it’s on mobile.

Blizzard was not happy about it and so the overwatch developers along with their Chinese distributor NetEase has filed a lawsuit against the developer 4399EN GAME. according to the documented lawsuit blizzard wants the game to be removed from all platforms like Apple IOS, Android Store, and Google Play. the copyright infringement suit also seeks damage done by the developer along with an apology.

Below you can check out some videos and images from Heroes Of Warfare and decided for yourself if it is ripped off or not.



This is not the first the time for Blizzard to file a lawsuit against devs who exploit their copyright infringement previously they won the case against the overwatch, WoW and other games cheat makers Bossland and were rewarded a hefty $8.6 million.

Riot has also won a $10 million lawsuit against LeagueSharp another cheating service which made different kinds of programs to cheats in League Of Legends. the latest lawsuit in the gaming industry has filed by Epic games against two cheaters who were making and encouraging cheats for Fortnite the case is still pending.

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