EA Announces New Battlefield Game For Year 2018

Developer and Publisher EA Games during their company’s latest Financial Call to its investor have announced a new Battlefield game.

The announcement was made by the CEO of EA Games Andrew Wilson who confirmed that the new Battlefield game is already in development and it would be arriving in 2018.

There were no more details revealed about the game but Wilson during his speech said that the new Battlefield will deliver even better gameplay experience players had till now. he further added that they will continue supporting their fans in the best way possible.

Currently, there is no details or confirmation if the BF 2018 will be a sequel to latest BF 1 or the follow up of other major titles like Bad Company, Vietnam, Hardline or just BF5.

So whats the reaction of Fans

Well, some fans want the upcoming new title to be either set in Vietnam or World war 2.

Some just badly want the next game to be Bad Company 3

And there are some who are sick of the remaster and the similar storyline and want to see something new like the Korean War which has not been done yet.

Whatever the game may be it will most probably be released towards the end of 2018 which is October as historically most of the BF games have been released during that time.

EA Games latest installment Battlefield 1 was released on 21 October 2016. it was well received by the community and got positive reviews. the multiplayer mode was especially loved by everyone because of its solid mechanics, vast maps and the variety of vehicles and guns.

Recently EA revealed that the BF 1 community has grown to a whopping 21 Million players. it has received new DLC like They Shall Not Pass and the recently announced In the Name of the Tsar. two more DLC the Turning Tides and Apocalypse will be arriving later this year.


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