No Man’s Sky Fan Finds New Mysterious Text From WakingTitan


 No Man's Sky

Developer Hello Games is on their path of redemption to make No Man’s Sky what people really wanted it to be and it seems like it’s working. people are returning in small numbers to give the game one more chance.

If you have been a loyal fan of the game then you might have heard about the WakingTitan website which was created by Hello Games with Sean Murray The director of the game. the website is an ARG also known as alternate reality game which contains massive website, phone number but the ultimate purpose of it is to reveal secrets of upcoming 1.3 updates for No Man’s Sky.

In WakingTitan you can write any command in the console given and if your keyword is valid it will reveal mysterious texts which are related to the upcoming content of the game.

Till now various texts have been found by numerous Fan. but the latest text found was by Reddituser YourBasicMaths who in his posts detailed about his discovery. the keyword he used was “WHOIS SENTINEL” which you can also try.

Following text was shown by the “WHOIS SENTINEL” command.

No Man's Sky

Another valid keyword he found was “16” and “sixteen” both commands give same results.

No Man's Sky

Nobody knows the actual meaning of this texts but if you are interested in engaging with others to talk about the possible meaning it might contain you can head over to No Man’s Sky Subreddit there you can find more keyword.

If you think your detective mind can manage to find more keywords in the ARG website you can visit the

Also if the support from the devs has impressed you, the updates interest you and you finally want to hop on to this game. you will find it on PC and PS4. for more information you can visit the Steam Page or the official Website.


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