Categories: GamesPC

Dead Matter Open World Zombie Survivor Game With PVP and PVE System

Developer Quantum Integrity Software is creating a new a Zombie survivor game titled Dead Matter. the game will feature massive open world filled with zombies where players will have to defend and scavenge for food and other resources simulating a real world survival scenarios.

The location of the game is based on Alberta Canda and will have a 400Km map size which is procedurally generated by the devs of the game. each element of the map is made individually for players to explore and gather everything they need.

The game will also have its own day and night cycles and also will have different seasons which will affect everyone. you can check out the video below where the devs give more details about the game.

The game will let players take over empty houses, buildings, and warehouse and allow different modification to it like barricading it to withstand the horde of zombies, space to store waters and the foods which you would have to cultivate by farming. all the power supply and lighting in it will be managed by players themselves.

There will be over 50 unique melee weapons which can be customized and along with it, there will be various vehicles which can also be customized. they will be also adding Mod support for the game and all the tools and editing software which you saw above will be available for modders.

Currently, Dead Matter is up on Steam greenlit and the devs are planning for a Steam Early Access. for the game to achieve its full potential they have started a Kickstarter campaign. till now they have 765 backers and have received $35,221 in funding.

So if you liked it you can support the game you can visit the Kickstarter Campaign where you can avail some exclusive rewards for supporting the game.

Dead Matter has no fixed date but it is scheduled to release in 2018 for PC. for more information you can visit the Steam Page or the Official Website.

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