Bioware May be Coming Up With Another Dragon Age Game

The last Dragon Age game came out three years ago and it was Dragon Age: Inquisition which was released in 2014 since then there has been no announcement about any follow up to series. but Developer Bioware’s might actually be working on the next game.

Recently while talking in the 1099 Podcast the creative director of the series Mike Laidlaw said that “It’s no secret we’re doing something with Dragon Age” which probably means that the development team is working on another sequel of the game but it could be a main game or another DLC.

He further revealed that the Bioware’s DA Team is currently “hiring a lot of people.” which suggest that the development is about to start or it has already started and when further asked by the host about any details of the game he said ‘I can’t talk about what, but we’re certainly involved in something.’

He further said, “As I’ve jokingly said, I am the creative director for the Dragon Age franchise and they haven’t fired me yet.”

Mike did not reveal much about the details of the game but considering that more people are being hired it is possible that they are starting the production of the game and if it is true the game might bee releasing in upcoming years.

Further, Mike revealed that Bioware is working on many more projects but again he did not disclose any information about those upcoming games

“There are other things in process but unfortunately I can’t talk about them until they are realized. I am pretty excited about a few of them. Things continue apace.”

Bioware’s latest game was Mass Effect: Andromeda which was plagued with a lot of controversies because of its storyline and mainly because of the facial animation overall you can say it was just not as good as its predecessor.

Currently, Bioware is working on latest upcoming Anthem which has generated a lot of interest from fellow gamers. it is expected that Anthem will be releasing in 2018.

Bioware is one of those studios from whom the community always expect epic games because of the quality and gameplay they provide like the multiplayer Star War Old republic series, Mass Effect series and Neverwinter Night series. So whatever they are planning for Dragon Age and Anthem I hope it would be good.

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